RARE 1899 San Francisco California School Teacher Certificate Diploma
Directory: Popular Collectibles: Nostalgia: School: Pre 1900: Item # 129969
Please refer to our stock # G297 when inquiring.

Text indicates that the diploma was awarded to Josephine Downey on October 21, 1899, and certified her to teach the Grammar or Primary Grade for the subsequent 6 years. Signed by Thomas Kirsh, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary.
Further documentation on reverse reads, "Issued on the recommendation of the Board of Education of San Francisco County, in accordance with Section 1521 of the Political Code, upon a first grade or Grammar Grade Certificate of San Francisco County, California, 95% (Josephine’s teacher examination grade).”
With the exception of early fold lines, condition is mint! Measures 14.6 inches X 11.5 inches.
See my other school certificates for an 1892 Teaching Certificate awarded to Josephine's sister, Mary Downey!
A wonderful piece of museum-quality, educational ephemera representing San Francisco's and the state of California's early educational history!