1859 San Francisco CA Elementary School Principal Teacher Certificate
Directory: Popular Collectibles: Nostalgia: School: Pre 1900: Item # 129975
Please refer to our stock # G126 when inquiring.

Text indicates that this early Principal and Teaching Certification was awarded to Mr. O. P. Sarle on January 5, 1859. This “Certificate of Approval” found him qualified “with respect to Learning Utility and Moral Character” to not only teach but administer as Principal at the Grammar School Grade for “one year unless sooner revoked by the board”. Signed by five individuals constituting the Examining Board and the President of the Superintendent of Public Schools.
Measures 14 inches X 16.5 inches. Labeled lower left corner: "Fishbourne's Litho. Ohio Street San Francisco". With the exception of early fold lines and a lower left edge water mark (which will not be seen when framed), condition is mint! This certificate comes backed on a museum-quality, acid-free foam board which can be used when the piece is framed.
Truly a historically significant, museum-quality piece of ephemera which tells a part of the story of the beginnings of public school education in California.