Fabulous C1860s UK Wood Golf Club Long Nose Long Spoon Orig Finish
Directory: Antiques: Instruments and Implements: Sports: Pre 1900: Item # 1403756
Please refer to our stock # G645 when inquiring.

This club actually presents a number of qualities that indicate it may, in fact, be an example of pre-1860s craftsmanship: : LENGTH of the face is 6 inches. The DEPTH of the face is 1 1/8 inches max. The face is SMOOTH and CURVED, and the club head is shaped in the form of a TEARDROP. The club is UNMARKED. The neck is slightly thin at just over 3/4 inches--- all indicators of an early, pre-1860s club!
This amazing club sports most of its original varnish surface and is offered in "as found" condition. The darkening of the finish results in a wonderfully rich patina. The club displays an enchanting presence owing to the gently-sculpted angling of the face. The sole of the club is without the usual ram's horn which was the typical norm, making this particular club that much more intriguing and quite unusual!!! I have not been able to find reference to clubs that were made in this fashion. RARE!!!
The early golfer must have been quite robust and sturdy as this heavy club face is one that most folks today would have a difficult time keeping "square" at impact. Long spoon clubs were used off of grassy surfaces which accounts for the very nice condition of this beauty. Besides the unobtrusive, expected scuff marks on the sole, there is only one tiny, barely-noticeable chip on the leading edge of the club face at the sole, consistent with hitting something other than a grassy surface!
The lead on the back of the club has been partially removed to customize it for the golfer. The slightly warped hickory shaft is undamaged and sports a warm, honey-colored surface. The leather grip was expertly replaced many, many years ago and has signs of honorable wear.
The skills of the craftsman are most apparent when the club is viewed from the top. While unmarked, this club displays the form of the exceptional, highly-skilled, UK club makers of the 19th century. According to author and golf history expert, Jeffrey B. Ellis, unsigned, long-nosed golf clubs were the norm in the pre-1870 era.
This rare, antique, hand-wrought, golf club was recently acquired from the estate of a gentleman who had restored and collected golf clubs for 7 decades! His family, while settling his estate, remarked that he had "paid crazy prices for some of his collection!". This prized, rare club is certain to have been included in that category!
A phenomenal, rarely-found example of 19th century craftsmanship, and a tangible example of exemplary golfing history.