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All Items : Antiques : Instruments and Implements : Medical : Pre 1920 item #617628 (stock #M892)
Stonegate Antiques
Well, this was recently acquired from the estate of a 100 year old resident. The nickel plated shaver is in very nice condition, complete with a blade and box that is lined in a purple velvet type material. The interior is labeled “ANTICOR – The Saftey Corn Shaver” and the directions are printed on the label noted on the bottom of the box.

The box measures 4 inches long and is in good condition.

A must for the foot doctor in your life.

All Items : Vintage Arts : Instruments and Implements : Medical : Apothecary : Pre 1930 item #428780 (stock #M299)
Stonegate Antiques
Measuring a diminutive 2 inches in diameter and in near mint condition, this interesting and unusual celluloid advertising pocket mirror features a person dosing with a magical "Nature's Remedy" tablet! (**Please note that any white spots in the photos are light reflections ONLY and not damage to the mirror.**)

The mirror front has a age-faded salmon colored border surrounding an image of a person's face with protruding tongue, about to swallow a "NR" (Nature's Remedy) tablet. The fading makes it a challenge to read the following which is imprinted around the circumference of the mirror: "Take One Tonight - You'll feel Better In The Morning."


"Better Than Pills For Liver Ills - Get a 25 Cent Box"

Original mirrored backing is in very fine condition with just a few very minute, superficial scratches.

Manufacturer name stamped on bottom edge: "Parisian Novelty Company, Chicago".

An interesting little advertising piece!